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Planning Your Corporate Events? Don’t Overlook These 5 Details!

Tips & Tricks · 12 Aug 2023

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In this article, we’ll highlight five often underestimated details that can make a world of difference in planning and executing corporate events that leave a lasting impression. By paying close attention to these key pointers, you can elevate your corporate events to new heights and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for all participants. Let’s dive into the essential details that should never be underestimated in planning corporate events.

Weather Plans

Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast
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When planning corporate events, one crucial detail that should never be overlooked is a comprehensive weather plan. The weather can be unpredictable, and unexpected rain, extreme grat, or adverse weather conditions can negatively impact the success, safety, and attendee’s satisfaction of the corporate events. Here are some tips to establish a weather plan that will have your corporate events run smoothly, rain or shine!

Venue Selection & Backup

Select an event venue that offers both indoor and outdoor spaces. This ensures flexibility in case of changing weather conditions. Have a backup plan in place, such as a nearby indoor facility or a tented area, to accommodate attendees if your corporate events need to be moved indoors due to adverse weather conditions. In addition, make sure that there are public transportation stations with a sheltered path to the venue.

Weather Monitoring

Stay ahead of weather developments by closely monitoring weather forecasts leading up to the event date. Utilise weather websites, apps, and local news updates such as NEA Weather Forecast. This information will help you make informed decisions about potential weather-related adjustments for your corporate events.

Communication Plan

Establish a clear communication plan to inform event attendees, speakers, and stakeholders about any changes or updates related to your corporate events caused by weather conditions. Make use of email, social media, the event’s landing page, cover all grounds to relay these changes promptly and efficiently.

Shelter & Amenities

To further support ‘Venue Selection & Backup’, ensure that your corporate events’ venue has enough sheltered areas to protect event attendees from rain or extreme heat. Consider providing amenities such as umbrellas, sunscreen, water stations, and fans to keep attendees comfortable and safe.

Contingency Timelines

Develop contingency timelines for different weather scenarios for your corporate events. This includes adjusting the event schedule, determining when to move the event indoors, or when to postpone or cancel the event altogether. Having these plans ready in advance will help you respond promptly and efficiently to changing weather conditions.

By including a well thought out weather plan in your corporate events preparation, you can address any potential weather challenges and ensure the safety and satisfaction as well as attendance of event attendees. Being prepared for all weather possibilities will demonstrate professionalism and ensure the overall success of your event.

Lost & Found

In corporate events where people are moving in and out, event attendees may misplace personal belongings such as phones, keys, bags, or important documents. It is crucial to include a Lost-and-Found system in your event planning for your event attendees. Here’s how you can implement an efficient system.

Lost & Found Area
Designated Lost & Found Area Signage
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Designate A Lost & Found Area

Set up a dedicated lost & found area at the event venue using a table or booth with clear signage. Make sure that is easily accessible to attendees and is staffed by personnel who can assist the attendees in retrieving their lost items.

Item Tagging

This is especially important for large scale corporate events like roadshows or trade shows. Implement a systematic process for tagging and cataloguing lost items. Use unique identification numbers or tags for each item, along with a description of the item and the location it was found. This will streamline the retrieval process and help attendees identify their lost belongings easily.

Efficient Item Retrieval

Set clear guidelines for the retrieval of lost items and make sure to include information about the lost & found process in event materials. Define the timeframe during which attendees can claim their belongings, and specify any necessary identification or proof of ownership they may need to provide. After the event, ensure a secure and organised storage of unclaimed items for a specified period before proper disposal.

By establishing a Lost & Found system as part of your corporate events planning, you demonstrate a commitment to attendee welfare and professionalism. This thoughtful gesture can leave a positive impression on attendees, fostering a sense of trust and care in your company’s event management abilities.

Charging Stations & WiFi Networks

Charging Stations

Charging Stations
Charging Stations
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In today’s technology-driven age, ensuring that attendees’ devices are fully charged is essential. This ensures they can continue posting updates to social media about your corporate events, network with other event attendees and check out any mobile brochures or information about the event. Well-equipped charging stations can significantly enhance an attendees’ experience.

You must identify high-traffic areas where attendees are likely to congregate, such as registration areas, networking zones, and breakout session rooms. Placing charging stations strategically in these locations will provide convenient access for attendees of your corporate events.

Take note to offer a variety of charging options to accommodate different devices. Include USB ports, power outlets, and wireless charging pads to cater to various smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This versatility ensures that attendees can charge their devices regardless of the charging cable they have.

WiFi Networks

WiFi Network
Providing WiFi Networking At Your Corporate Events
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Providing reliable WiFi during corporate events is crucial to ensure seamless communication, presentations, and online interactions. Here’s a guide on how to set up and manage WiFi for corporate events:

In order to make sure that you can provide a reliable and efficient WiFi network for your corporate event attendees, you can follow these tips.

Conduct a pre-event assessment and determine the expected number of attendees, and understand the layout of the venue. This will help you estimate the bandwidth needed and where to strategically place access points for optimal coverage. Always test the WiFi network thoroughly before the event to identify any potential dead zones or connectivity issues.

Thereafter, make sure to inform your event attendees about the WiFi network name and password during event registration or through event materials or signages. You will have to continuously monitor the network during the event to identify and address any issues promptly, one way you can do this is using network monitoring tools.

By providing well-placed and fully equipped charging stations & wifi networks at your corporate events, you offer attendees the convenience and assurance that they can stay connected and engaged throughout the day. Attendees will appreciate the thoughtful consideration, and this small yet significant detail can contribute to a positive overall event experience and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Supporting Equipment (AV & Lighting)

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The success of corporate events heavily relies on the quality of audiovisual (AV) and lighting elements. Not tailoring your projector according to your event venue size, for example, not using lumens projectors for a large event venue, is one of the most common mistakes. A well-executed AV and lighting setup can enhance presentations, engage attendees, and create a professional atmosphere. To ensure a seamless and impactful event, pay attention to the following considerations when planning AV & lighting:

Professional AV Team

Event planners tend to use in-house AV teams as it offers convenience and cost-effectiveness but the advantages of using professional AV services usually outweigh any drawbacks. We recommend hiring skilled AV technicians who have experience in managing corporate events. They can handle setup, testing, and troubleshooting, ensuring that all audio and visual elements run smoothly during your corporate events.

Backup & Redundancy

Have a backup plan in case of technical glitches or equipment failures. Prepare redundant AV systems to quickly switch over in case of any issues. This way, you can swiftly address challenges without disrupting your corporate events’ flow.

Venue Size

The AV requirements should also be tailored to accommodate the size of the corporate events’ venue and the number of event attendees. Before finalising the AV requirements, thoroughly assess the venue’s size and layout. Consider factors such as the seating capacity, room dimensions, and acoustics. Understanding the venue’s specifics will guide you in determining the appropriate AV equipment and setup.

Work with professional AV technicians to design a comprehensive audio system that covers the entire venue evenly. Ensure that sound is clear and well-distributed, reaching attendees in the front row, middle, and back with equal clarity.

Along with audio, ensure that the visual elements are easily viewable from every part of the venue. Choose high-quality projectors, screens, and displays that are appropriately sized to ensure everyone has a clear view of presentations and visuals during your corporate events.

Sound Checks & Rehearsals

Prior to any corporate events, you should conduct comprehensive rehearsals and testing of the AV setup to identify and address any technical issues. This practice not only familiarises presenters and speakers with the AV setup but also reduces potential hiccups during your corporate events. Ensure that you perform sound checks to ensure balanced and clear audio levels for a smooth and glitch-free AV experience during the actual event.


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Proper lighting can set the mood, draw attention to specific areas, and create a visually engaging experience for attendees. It is essential to craft a thoughtful lighting design that complements the corporate events’ theme and objectives.

Menu Selection & Food Preferences

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Providing a diverse and accommodating menu will show that you respect individual needs, this creates a delightful dining experience for all of your corporate events’ attendees. Take note of these points to ensure a positive dining experience.

Dietary Requirements

Collect information about dietary restrictions and preferences from attendees during the registration process. This includes considerations for vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, halal, or other special dietary needs. Accommodating diverse dietary requirements shows thoughtfulness and inclusivity.

Varied Menu Options

Design a menu that offers a variety of dishes to cater to different tastes and preferences for your corporate events. Include options for appetisers, main courses, side dishes, and desserts to ensure attendees can find something they enjoy.

Beverage Selection

Offer a diverse selection of beverages, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. Ensure that water stations are readily available throughout your corporate events to keep attendees hydrated.

Food Presentation

Pay attention to food presentation, as it can significantly impact the dining experience. Well-presented dishes enhance the overall ambiance and create a positive impression on event attendees.

Caterer Selection

Choose a reputable and experienced caterer or food vendor who can deliver high-quality service and meet your specific event requirements. Request samples or attend tastings to ensure the food meets your expectations.

Organising successful corporate events requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. From large conferences to small networking sessions, every aspect plays a crucial role in creating a positive and memorable experience for attendees. While focusing on the big picture is essential, it’s equally important not to overlook the finer points that can significantly impact the event’s overall success.

Creating Unforgettable & Impactful Corporate Events

In conclusion, when planning your corporate events, it is crucial not to overlook five essential details that can significantly impact the success of the occasion. By addressing these five critical aspects, corporate event planners can create memorable and impactful gatherings that achieve their objectives while leaving a positive and lasting impression on all participants.


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